Your full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, occupation and email address.
The full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, occupation and email address of any other attorney and identity documents for them.
The full name, address and relationship of at least three of the donor’s nearest relatives, which can include the attorneys. Spouse is nearest, then children, followed by parents, then brothers and sisters, followed by widows or widowers of deceased children, then adult grandchildren.
If there are several people at any particular level, for example if the donor has seven children, they all need notifying.
The Office of the Public Guardian’s fee, normally £120.
If the donor has savings of less than £16,000 it is possible to apply for the fee to be reduced or waived. If this applies, then bring bank statements or passbooks to confirm the amounts held.
No medical report is needed at this stage.
We will prepare the appropriate notice to the donor and their nearest relatives of the intention to register the EPA, to be signed by all the attorneys.
We will also prepare the application to register the power to be signed by all the attorneys.
The notice to the donor must be given to them personally, normally by one of the attorneys.
We will send the notices to the nearest relatives, with a covering letter explaining what is happening.
We will send the application off to the Office of the Public Guardian with a cheque for the application fee of £120 when we have been put in funds.
If there is any objection to the registration, we will advise you what to do.